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The ‘My ActiveMiles’ Loyalty Program is operated by InStock FZ LLC (We, Us or Our). By participating in our Loyalty Program, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.
The Program is only valid within online store or App.
How do I participate in ‘My ActiveMiles’ Loyalty Program?
Once the app is downloaded on IOS or Android phone, all customers are entitled to the beginning tier of Rookie as part of the normal mode of sale. To Join our free ‘My ActiveMiles’ Loyalty Program, you must first login and create an account followed by your first purchase from there your accounts are linked to the health app on your phone.
Upon purchase of any item on you will receive ‘ActiveMiles’ on that purchase which can be redeemed on the next purchase.
Every calorie you achieve on your generic health app will be converted at 12 pm every night and converted to ActiveMile points (below is the conversion)
Calculation will be based on active calories only.
Active miles will only be calculated through Active calories (NOT full calories, only active ones as per the health app).
Each 100 Active calories are equivalent to 1 ActiveMile.
‘My ActiveMiles’ program tiers
- Rookie Tier: (0-500 ActiveMiles)
- Athlete Tier: (501-2500) + 2 Purchases on
- Pro Tier: (2501-7000) + 5 Purchases on
- Champ Tier: (7001-10000 (cap ActiveMiles)) + 10 Purchases on
ActiveMiles conversion calculations
Monetary value equivalent to each ActiveMile are as follows:
Rookie Tier: 1 ActiveMile = 0.00 AED (i.e. No conversions)
Athlete Tier: 1 ActiveMile = 0.01 AED (i.e., 100 ActiveMiles will equate to 1 aed)
Pro Tier: 1 ActiveMile = 0.02 AED (i.e. 100 ActiveMiles will equate to 2 aed)
Champ Tier: 1 ActiveMile = 0.05 AED (i.e. 100 ActiveMiles will equate to 5 aed)
Expiry of collected ActiveMiles expires after 6 months.
After 6 months, ActiveMiles will be zeroed, but the status will remain.
I had Pro Tier status in year 1.
Year 2, my ActiveMiles expired and got zeroed.
My status remains at Pro Tier for 1 year.
In 1 year, I need to collect 2500 ActiveMiles otherwise in year 3 I go back to Athlete Tier.
If I manage to collect 2500 or more, I keep my status in year 3.
Earning ActiveMiles through purchase
Each 5 AED spent on any purchase yields 1 ActiveMile.
Discounts redeemed through My ActiveMile program
Depending on the tier, different discounts can be redeemed at any of our various partners.
How do I redeem my Rewards?
To redeem ActiveMile points, you must use them on check out.
Loyalty points cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
Loyalty Cards cannot be redeemed or exchanged for cash. You cannot sell or transfer your Loyalty points to anyone else.
Other Terms
We reserve the right to terminate your membership in our Loyalty Program if we believe you have engaged in fraudulent or unlawful activity or have failed to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
We may discontinue our Loyalty program at our sole discretion, at no liability to you. If so, we will notify you by publicly posting on our website at
We may change these Terms and Conditions or add new Terms and Conditions at any time at our sole discretion. If so, we will publish an updated version on our website at
Your continued participation in our Loyalty Program will constitute your acceptance of such changes.
These Terms and Conditions apply to our Loyalty Program in UAE and are governed by the appropriate laws.
If you have any questions about our Loyalty Program or our Terms and Conditions, please contact us at [email protected]