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Selling on Active Mile!

Give a boost to your sales by selling with us! Join our seller marketplace today, free of charge, and enjoy the many benefits on the most competitive marketplace out there!
Why you should sell with us

Joining our marketplace is free
We only take a success fee when you close a sale. We have no closing fee, no minimum fee, and no hidden fees.

Don’t worry about shipping & delivery!
We handle shipping and delivery once an order is made for any of your products. All you need to do is ensure your send us regular inventory reports. Once an order is made, our team will contact you, pick up the order and deliver it to the consumers.

Bi-weekly payments
We will automatically settle all your payments every 15 days to your bank account. If you have any credit, all you need to do is simply request a payment and we will transfer it to you.

We take care of your Marketing
We will promote and feature the products you sell on our website and social media! Leave all the marketing and operational hassle to us and focus on sourcing your products.

We are committed to you
As our trusted partner we will grow together. Our team fully dedicated to works around the clock to cater to our and your customers.
So what are you waiting for?
Enjoy all the above benefits and join us now.
To become a seller please contact our onboarding team on