
Active Mile is keen to shine the spotlight on local, national and international trailblazers in the field of health, fitness and wellness. Each month we focus on a different person in the fitness and health industries; and ask them some questions to learn a little bit more about their profession and themselves.

This month we are on the bench with Dubai based personal trainer and founder of the FIT BOX Jen Towers.


1. About you

I'm Jen, I'm 33, from the UK, living in Dubai.  I've been here for 10 years, with my husband Matt and our two little dogs.  I'm known for personal training online and in person, and also for my Fit box.

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 2. How did you get into what you're known for?

So, I used to hate fitness and anything to do with getting sweaty, getting your heartrate up, I thought it was horrendous. I used to try skip all the PE classes in school. It wasn't until I was about 18 that I started going to the gym, the generic treadmill, bike, cross trainer, cardio bunny kind of stuff. I just wanted to lose weight and feel good. I was feeling really crap about myself. I started going to body combat classes which I loved, and I met my husband Matt, and he introduced me to weight training, which is something I thought I'd never do. It completely changed my view of weight training. I started to see faster results and more definition. I was studying fashion, but it wasn't really me. So, I did a PT course and built my business up from there.

During Covid obviously all the gyms closed. I had built up a good in person client list, so we had to move online, which some were apprehensive of initially, then there were lots of questions about what kit was needed, and when it all added it up was crazy money. I already had my own kit that I would take to my home clients which was resistant bands, suspension trainer, core sliders, skipping rope – All the light, most flexible kit that you can carry round in your bag. So, I thought, why don't I package this up and provide it to clients. Because you don't need to be lifting really heavy weights, as long as you do it consistently 3-4 times a week, resistance bands are perfect.


3. What keeps you up at night?

Apart from my dogs! Ideas, I'm such a creative person. When I was designing FIT BOX, literally every single night it was like a new idea would pop in my head, I spent so long carefully designing each piece of kit, and thinking about creating and providing quality products. So, all the products in the box are strategically picked for what they do, and how the can help clients' fitness. I designed the box and the logo all myself. So, I was awake considering every aspect of the FIT BOX for all needs and abilities.

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4. What gets you up in the morning?

The first thing that gets me up are my super early clients at 6am! But ideas and helping people gets me up.  Every day is another day closer to everyone's goals including mine.  I see myself like everyone else.  I've got so many ideas still to put in place that I want to achieve, and that gets me up!


5. What's your proudest accomplishment so far?

I have two. First of all, my bikini competition that I did. I'm so proud of myself for doing that, because you see people on social media and competitions and think how can I get like that? I didn't know if it was possible to get in that kind of shape. So, I set myself a 12-week goal' and decided to see what I looked like after 12 weeks. I did that and I was so surprised with what I could do. I never fell below 1300 calories. Everything was measured, and scientifically calculated in a healthy way. Second one is of course the creation of FIT BOX, which enabled me to become a female business owner. From the concept, to developing the brand and programmes, to building my clients and all the admin and bits that go with it. I'm so proud to have created a product that helps improve people's (women's') fitness in a fun and flexible way.


6. What's your top health and wellness tip?

Small Steps! It's so important. We all start somewhere no matter who you are. Age weight, experience, and keep building it up. (Consistency as well!)


7. What advice would you give your 16-year-old self?

This question is really emotional for me.  At 16 I had no confidence, I was a little bit overweight, I wasn’t happy with myself. So, I think be kind to yourself, don't be too hard on yourself.  Do your best but don't compare yourself to other people. Do you! Be the healthiest, fittest version you can be for yourself. Which can be completely different from one person to the next.


8. Where do you see yourself in five years' time?

I've just been thinking about this for myself recently.  What is my five- and ten-year plan?  So, in five years I want to try and grown my online community of women. With more online zoom classes, more remote programmes, and online FITBOX classes* that have the accountability aspect and the community feel.  I don’t want people feeling they are on their own.  So, developing my online presence.  It's good to come together, even if you're on your own.


9. What's your favourite/least favourite exercise/activity?

Least Favourite – running, spin classes!

Favourite – Lifting weights…and dancing!


10. How do you go the active mile?

I never go three days without a workout, or moving my body!



For more information about FIT BOX, health and nutrition contact Jen on Instagram @fit_box_dubai. Online FIT BOX classes run every Tuesday at 7pm and your first class is free.






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